An inclusive vehicle for learning

"Stand Up and Act Out" embraces an inclusive approach which allows every child to participate, feel supported, and learn without barriers.

How? Through drama!


1. Drama allows us to communicate non-verbally

Through facial expression, movement, and body language, drama allows teachers to reach children for whom English is their second language, by giving them a role to ‘hide’ behind and to make ‘mistakes’ in safety. It also reaches the less confident children for whom having a role to ‘hide’ behind is exactly what they need to help them lose their inhibitions.


2. Drama introduces us to new vocabulary
And the confidence to use it! Take on a new role and you can do and say things you wouldn’t ever normally do or say.


3. Drama develops confidence
Providing opportunities for students to ‘trial’ situations, in a safe and supportive environment, gives children the confidence to tackle those same situations, should they happen outside the classroom. 


4. Drama requires reflection and evaluation
Allowing children to examine and discuss the consequences of their role play means they are more likely to avoid the potential pitfalls of ‘real-life’.


5. Drama insists we listen, take turns, and co-operate with each other
The structured framework of drama games and activities help children gently build focus while having fun and experiencing the benefits of teamwork.


6. Drama allows teachers to repeat and restructure challenging concepts
Important for those who need additional support, while still being engaging for those who may not.


7. Drama develops emotional articulacy
Drama helps children learn and talk about their emotions by allowing them to practice emotional responses in safety. This emotional articulacy supports the development of empathy, helping children to respond appropriately to a range of situations outside of the classroom.