Interactive Performances

Our Interactive Performance shows are becoming hugely popular both with libraries, preschools and schools and with parents during the school holidays. Audiences are flocking to see them, filling Pyjama Drama 'theatres' to the rafters! Why? Because they're LOTS of fun! 

From Jack and the Beanstalk to The Super-duper Superhero, our shows are jam-packed with music, song, drama games and interactive adventures. These are one-people shows (you'll be amazed at how one talented performer can command the stage alone for up to an hour), and we don't use props or costumes (because we don't need them!)  We'll arrive with nothing more than Pyjama Drama music and, most importantly, our imaginations.

Of course, no show would be complete without a little audience interaction. Children are encouraged to get involved in the story from the start; taking on different roles (one minute a hero, the next a villain), sharing their ideas (shouting out is actively encouraged!), learning and joining in with new songs, and playing games inspired by the story.

If you'd like more information about having an Interactive Performance in your school or other venue, please email us If you're a parent looking for something over the holidays, check out our current schedule


A boy with a Pyjama Drama red shirt on looks towards the camera shooting something out loud.