Learning through play - EYFS
Parents love to see their child playing...
but when they start school, some of the most frequently asked questions of teachers are about learning through play. What is learning through play? Will my child learn how to write? What about reading? The answer? Play is far more powerful than most of us realise and using play as the vehicle through which to teach early years children is proven to be hugely more effective than more traditional methods, such as learning by rote.
Put simply, play is the foundation of all aspects of children’s development.
When children learn through play, they develop language skills, emotional intelligence, creativity, social skills, cognitive ability, and a sense of self. Learning through play also promotes the development of positive relationships with other children and important adults, not to mention physical development, spatial sense, and motor control. Here at Pyjama Drama Learning, we go one step further, and embrace learning through imaginative play. Why? Because pretending comes instinctively to early years children, so when you harness this instinctive desire to play and make-believe, children's learning is boosted, and their well-being supported. The result is happy, confident and eager little learners.
Thankfully, learning through play has become the standard for teaching young children.
The standards for the development and care of children from birth to 5 years old in England are set by the Early Years Foundational Stage (EYFS). Learning through play is a clear commitment to which all Ofsted-registered early years providers adhere. In all areas of learning, children will mostly be taught through games and play but that doesn’t mean they won’t be taught how to read or write, at the developmentally appropriate time.
So, when you see your child at play (no matter how old they are!) remember that while they’re laughing and having fun, they’re learning too!