I am Special!
Learning Outcomes (linked to the EYFS)
Children will:
- Listen and learn about what their peers can do (PSED)
- Express a movement that makes them special (PD)
- Learn and contribute to the delivery of a rhyme (CL)
How to Play
1. Ask the students to guess what makes you special. After a few guesses tell them that it has nothing to do with how you look on the outside, but what you can do.
2. RECITE the following rhyme to share what you can do:
What makes me special? Lots of things
I can clap and stamp and sing!
What makes me special? Can you see?
Can I show you after three?
Count to three and share a talent (balancing on one foot, for example)
3. Ask children what makes them special. Can you touch your toes? Can you jump really high? Etc.
4. Choose one person’s special talent to begin the game (jumping really high, for example) and begin to RECITE:
What makes me special? Lots of things
I can clap and stamp and sing!
What makes YOU special? Can I see?
Will you show me after three?
5. Repeat the game with a new person's special talent. Encourage children to join in with the rhyme each time.
Have fun and remember all games, songs and rhymes are original to Pyjama Drama
- you won't find them anywhere else!