What we do - Key Stage 1 & 2
A drama-based anti-bullying curriculum that delivers 'Relationships Education'.
Would you like to trial our curriculum this Autumn or Spring Term, for free?
Pyjama Drama Learning began life as a preschool company, but such was the demand from educators, we soon began working on internet safety resources for KS1 and, more recently, on a whole-school curriculum for children aged 5 – 11 called, 'Stand Up and Act Out'.
Our aim is simple: To help primary schools to use drama to teach children about big issues including diversity, anti-bias and bullying.
Would you like to trial our curriculum this Autumn or Spring Term, for free?
Pyjama Drama Learning are looking for English primary schools to pilot our new, drama-based, anti-bullying curriculum, ‘Stand Up and Act Out', which enables schools to easily deliver 'Relationships Education', with powerful results. 'Stand Up and Act Out' has been written by teachers from either side of 'the pond', and it has already been successfully piloted in California, with fantastic feedback. Now, we're making it perfect for English schools to enable them to teach students about diversity, anti-bias and how to respectfully stand up for classmates who are being picked on or bullied because of their difference (whether real or perceived).
What is ‘Stand Up and Act Out’?
An anti-bullying curriculum that supports the delivery of 'Relationships Education' in primary schools, using drama as the tool. This curriculum supports a whole school approach. All students experience six, drama-based lessons each year that build knowledge and skills with a cumulative effect throughout KS1 and KS2, in preparation for secondary school. Students also experience additional, weekly drama games that can be played again and again throughout the year.
What is a ‘Stand Up School'?
A place where children respectfully stand up for each other if they see someone being teased, picked on or bullied, and where they regularly practise their stand up skills. A safe environment where children also learn how to stand up for themselves. A place where differences are recognised and celebrated, and where all stakeholders work together to nurture the inclusive ethos of their school, all year round.
What happens in lessons?
Each year, students ‘meet’ six different, fictional characters who are being teased, picked on or bullied (both on and offline) because of their real, or perceived, differences. Each lesson, they sing 'The School Anthem', take part in discussions about difference, role play and play drama games.
Students learn:
- How to respectfully stand up for a classmate who is being teased, picked on or bullied because of real or perceived difference
- How to comfort a classmate who is being teased, picked on or bullied because of real or perceived difference
- How to stand up for themselves if they feel unsafe
- The difference between being teased, picked on or bullied, and when it is appropriate to talk to a trusted adult
- How to recognise, talk about and celebrate differences both in their school, and in the wider world
- About themselves and each other; how to manage emotions, show empathy, make responsible decisions and nurture positive relationships
Students develop:
- Their stand up skills in the safe and supportive environment of the classroom, with their classroom teacher
- Skills they can use both in and around school, and in their daily lives
- The key social and emotional skills vital for well-being and an inclusive, happy learning environment
*Differences explored: Culture and ethnicity, (dis)ability, family income, family structure, gender, language, physical features, race, religion, talents and preferences
The curriculum has already been piloted in California, with fantastic feedback. Watch a short expainer video about the currciulum in the USA here:
Teachers will:
- Take part in comprehensive training (in-person or via webinar) to give them the skills and confidence they need to deliver the curriculum (which can be delivered in a classroom, school hall or outdoors)
- Know how to talk about difference with their students
- Be able to deliver our simple drama techniques and games even if they have no prior drama experience, or consider themselves to be naturally shy
- Know how to adapt the curriculum to meet specific needs of their school
- Know how to adapt the curriculum to ensure adherence to social distancing measures, if necessary
Created in the USA by Pyjama Drama Learning and Dr Carrie Langer, Professor of Child Psychology and Child Development at California Polytechnic State University.
Developed in the UK by Pyjama Drama Learning and Natalie Gaulton, Deputy Headteacher
Are you…
- Looking for effective, exciting ways to deliver Relationships Education?
- Passionate about the benefits of drama and play for young children?
- Keen to learn innovative approaches to teaching, and new, transferrable skills?
- Able to commit to delivering the ‘Stand Up and Act Out’ curriculum by February 2021*?
- Willing to share feedback?
*We’d need every teacher to deliver one Stand Up lesson a week for six weeks, plus devote approximately 20 mins every week to facilitate a play-based lesson.
We’ll provide…
- Comprehensive training, on or offline
- 36 age-differentiated, easy to follow lesson plans (tried and tested in California)
- A school assembly and introductory lesson
- Music and all supporting resources
- Ongoing, direct support from curriculum developers
What next?
To express your interest in being part of our pilot, to ask questions or find out more, please email sarah@pyjamadrama.com.
If you’re interested in being part of the ‘Stand Up and Act Out’ pilot but are not sure how it could work in your setting, please do get in touch. We’re friendly, flexible and keen to work with individual schools to ensure an outstanding experience.